Learn More About The Silk Road
Learn the entire process of creating your own beautiful felted silk scarf, from raw wool fiber and silk to a finished product, from Kyrgyz Master Artist Zhanyl Sharshembieva of the famed Seven Sisters group.

Step into a world of cultural marvels and artistic revelations with our upcoming Silk Road events. Join us on a journey to connect with the artisans, traditions, and heritage of the Silk Road like never before. Your gateway to an immersive exploration awaits.

With our HoonArts Caravanserai blog, we want you to experience the hospitality and warmth of our home and community. Meet the people behind HoonArts and hear their stories. Learn more about the culture and artistry surrounding our fabulous handmade products. Discover the common threads of humanity that connect us all.

Enjoy the vibrant and colorful world of the HoonArts community on our YouTube Channel, featuring honored guests from the Fair Trade community, the people and artistry behind our handmade products, Central Asian history, art and culture, and more!