Silk Road Bazaar - Kyrgyzstan
In 1996 Gulnara Kyrdyrmyshova incorporated “Kork, Fiber Art Group.” At that time many artists faced unemployment and required a place to express their talents. Kydyrmyshova recognized this and quickly organized “Kork, Fiber Art Group” to provide local artists with an outlet to sell their works.
Kyrdyrmyshova’s focus has always been on the promotion of felt products; however she works with artists who are engaged in various mediums. For over 15 years, “Kork, Fiber Art Group” has been providing artists in Kyrgyzstan with a place to promote their felt works, other textiles, and ceramics.

“Kork, Fiber Art Group” has helped to sustain interest in the arts, provide artists with employment, and kept the tradition of felting alive during times of severe poverty and economic depression. Kyrdyrmyshova and her associated artists have a deep interest in the encouragement and integration of traditional Kyrgyz design and patterns in their artwork as well as educating people about their history of felt.
Since 2012, fellow Fair Trade Federation member Silk Road Bazaar and Kork have partnered to bring Kyrgyz crafts and design to a global audience. Silk Road Bazaar is a wholesale representative of the Kork artisans, connecting directly with artists who are far from the capitals, who have limited market access, who do not possess modern marketable skills but have carried on traditional craft culture.

Silk Road Bazaar has helped the Kork artisans become self-sustainable by helping to develop their designs, management techniques, quality control and computer skills. All designs and collaborations are original works of Central Asian artists and Silk Road Bazaar.
HoonArts is delighted to be able to make some of these unique felted products from Kyrgyzstan available direct to our customers. Their Decorative ornaments always get rave reviews.